lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Latitude and longitude of Cartagena's port

37.597736 N , -0.979607 W

Barcelona: 41,38N   2,17E

Seville: 37,38N  5,99W

Madrid: 40,41 N   3,69W

Palma de Mallorca: 39,56N  2,65E

La Coruña: 43,36N   8,41W

By  Felix

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Questions of TRUE or FALSE:

1. The gladiators were people with weapons that entertained to the public of the old Rome.

2. All Gladiators were rich people.

3. All gladiators trained from children to be gladiators.

4. If the gladiator was Roman, and lost, he was left without rights.

5. The gladiators only fought against other gladiators.

6. In the school of gladiators it was not allowed to hit them.

7. The gladiators became the name they liked most.

8. In some cases if the gladiator won he was given the freedom.

9. Gladiator fighting began as spectacles for the public .

10. In training the gladiators were given weapons with tip.


  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE. The majority were slaves or condemned.
  3. FALSE.  Only once gladiators trained.
  4. TRUE.
  5. FALSE. Also fought with animals.
  6. FALSE. They swore that at school they could be burned, beaten and even stabbed.
  7. FALSE. They were named because of their abilities, shields or weapons
  8. TRUE.
  9. FALSE. The fighting started having religious significance
  10. FALSE. They gave weapons without tip.

By: Alicia

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

                                      The cost of entry is 10 sestercios  

 By: Jose

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore – Cicerón

I hope the memory of our friendship is eternal

Vestis virum reddit – Quintiliano

The clothes make the man

Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia – Cicerón

Life is governed by fortune, not by wisdom

Alea iacta est – Menandro, frecuentemente atribuida a Julio César

the die is cast

Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores – Petrarca

Go your own way and let me follow mine

Una hirundo non facit ver – Horacio

The swallow does not make the summer

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

My Mythological Creature


Magtrus is the mythological creature that I create, now Im going to talk about he:

He is a very big creature about 540cm, he is all green except his horns that are kind of yellow, he has very little eyes and they are red like the hell that is the place were this creature comes from. Now lets talk about his personality, he is very innofesive, but if you said to him something that he don´t like he starts to destroy everything. In conclusion he is a good guy. Felix

Now a photo of Magtrus

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2017

The history of Qart-Hadasht!!!

Qart-Hadasht is the name of an ancient chartagenian city ubicated where today is Cartagena.

Cartagena has recibed this name since his fundation by the chartagenians in the year 227 B.C, until the roman conquere in the year 209 B.C.

Qart-Hadasht has recibed this name by the chartgenian general Asdrubal the Handsome in the year 227 B.C, during the Second Punic War.

Felix Garcia San Nicolas

 Resultado de imagen de asdrubal el bello
I found it in the network

Latitude and longitude of Cartagena's port

37.597736 N , -0.979607 W Barcelona: 41,38N   2,17E Seville: 37,38N  5,99W Madrid: 40,41 N   3,69W Palma de Mallorca: 39,...